Word Association Solution

Complete the association of the following pairs:

1.     9 i. in a B.G.  9 Innings in a Ball Game

2.     36 i. in a Y.  36 Inches in a Yard

3.     6 W. of  H. the E.  6 Wives of Henry the Eight

4.     212  D. at which W. B.  212 Degrees at which Water Boils

5.     3  P. for a F. G. in F.  3 Points for a Field Goal in Football

6.     20  Y. that R. V. W. S.  20 Years that Rip Van Winkle Slept

7.     101  D.  101 Dalmatians

8.     60  S. in a M.  60 Seconds in a Minute

9.     7  H. of R.  7 Hills of Rome

10.    56  S. of the D. of I.  56 Signers of the Declaration of Independence

11.    5  F. of the H.  5 Fingers of the Hand

12.    40  T. (with A. B.)  40 Thieves (with Ali Baba)

13.    30  D. in A. J. A. S. and N.  30 Days in  April, June, August, September And November

14.    1   D. at a T.  1 Day at a Time

15.    10  A. in the B. of R.  10 Articles in the Bill of Rights

16.    435  M. of the H. of R.  435 Members of the House of Representatives

17.    16  O. in a P.  16 Ounces in a Pound

18.    31  I. C. F. at B. R.  31 Ice Cream Flavors at Baskin Robbins

19.    50  C. in a H. D.  50 Cents in a Half Dollar

20.    2  T. D. (and a P. in a P. T.)   2 Turtle Doves (and a Partridge in a Pear Tree)

21.    4  H. of the A.  4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse

22.    13  C. in a S.  13 Cards in a Suit

23.    8  P. of S. in the E. L.  8 Parts of Speech in the English Language

24.    20,000  L. U. the S.  20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

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