
"$27,582.60 In Seeds Sown So Far"

The following is a list of all gifts made to date. It was truly an honor to be used by GOD to make these blessings and I pray that they all pass them on to others. There is always someone in need or someone that needs a blessing. We urge you to be a blessing to someone today.

November 26, 2005

A 2005 Graduate of James River High School received a $150.00 gift to help with everyday college expenses. He attends The Art Institute of Washington without a scholarship and only the support of his mother. This student was chosen not only because of his talent as an artist, but also because he has the faith and drive to excel in spite of the odds.

December 7, 2005

In honor of Our Lord Jesus Christ, a gift of $100.00 was made to The Christmas Mother Fund. This is an annual fund set up to aid families in the Richmond, Va. community with food, clothing, toys and necessities during the Christmas season.

January 14, 2006

Divine Love Gifts visited Farmer's Foods in Southside Plaza, Richmond, Virginia. Several families were blessed by having their grocery bills paid for by Divine Love Gifts. The blessings totaled $356.89 and were accepted wholeheartedly by all of the families.

March 19, 2006

An article appeared in the Richmond Times-Dispatch on Feb. 15th ("She's rich in spirit") detailing the efforts of a young lady that "gives back" to the community. In honor of her commitments, Divine Love Gifts visited her job at Starbucks and presented her with a check for $500.00. After meeting her, it was very clear that she not only has a loving spirit, but also has the respect and love of her co-workers.

May 17, 2006

In an effort to respond to the plight of the hungry, Divine Love Gifts presented a check for $500.00 to the Central Virginia Foodbank today. Since my employer has a "matching gift" program, they will also receive an additional $500.00! Glory be to God Almighty!

July 18, 2006

The Holy Spirit revealed today that a person looking for a job could really use a blessing. Ten people at the Virginia Employment Commission (The Crossing Shopping Center near Fort Lee) were blessed with packets containing $50.00 each for a total of $500.00. More importantly, those packets also contained the "good news" about our Lord Jesus Christ!

September 20, 2006

Many people don't realize that our public servants (firemen, policemen, etc.) are put in place by God for our benefit. Today I attempted to bless 10 firemen. To my dismay, I was informed that they couldn't accept monetary gifts. So instead, a $500.00 donation was made to the Fire Department in Petersburg, Va. The firemen, however, were able to keep the "good news" packets about how to avoid the ultimate fire (hell).

October 14, 2006

The earth's natural storms are similar to the "storms of life"...they don't last forever! All we have to do is humble ourselves as Jabez did (I Chronicles 4:10), and He's faithful enough to deliver us from it all! Divine Love Gifts donated $500.00 today to a fellow saint overwhelmed by the "storms of life."

November 18, 2006

For those of us that love the Lord, we are constantly seeking to be like Him. God is pure love and we can't be like Him unless we show love to others. Divine Love Gifts presented $605.71 worth of Thanksgiving turkeys to families of New Beginning Tabernacle today. May God bless them all.

February 19, 2007

The bible says that when a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing (Proverbs 18:22). A couple in Glen Allen, Va. recently celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary! It's truly evident that GOD is a big part of their lives. In honor of their commitment to GOD and to each other, Divine Love Gifts presented them with a check for $500.00 to help with the celebration.

March 31, 2007

Losing a child is a devastating thing. There have been four fatal fires in the Richmond area this year resulting in ten deaths (seven of them children). In the most resent fire, a family lost two of their eleven children. No amount of money can bring them back, but hopefully, today's donation of $500.00 will help the family rebuild their lives.

May 20, 2007

There are many that don't realize the value of today's youth. I, for one, believe in planting seeds in young people just because they represent our future. Divine Love Gifts committed to paying $790.00 today to sponsor four youths to travel to the Spirit Of Faith Youth Conference in Brandywine, MD.

July 30, 2007

Our natural storms can sometimes have catastrophic results and often causes death. The good thing is that they don't last forever. The same is true for the "storms of life." If we just put our trust in God, he can bring us out of anything and they never last forever! Divine Love Gifts donated $500.00 today to a fellow saint going through the "storms of life."

September 10, 2007

Having a place to call "home" is a rarity for some either through hardships or economic reasons. Divine Love Gifts presented a check today for $500.00 to a family of seven that was facing eviction. May God be with them and help them through these tough times.

November 5, 2007

The holiday season can be very difficult for many families. Divine Love Gifts donated $500.00 today to the Central Virginia FoodBank. This will provide $6,000.00 worth of food to needy families. And since my employer has a matching gift program, the total food provided will be $12,000.00!!! Glory be to God Almighty!!!

January 29, 2008

Some of us can only imagine what it's like being a single father or single mother. But we can take comfort in knowing that God can perform the duties of that missing father or mother and much more. For the first gift of the year, Divine Love Gifts presented a new computer today valued at $530.00 to a single mother working out of her home.

August 7, 2008

There are some people that go a lifetime without ever taking a real vacation to just rest. The Bible tells us that even the Lord rested (Exodus 20:11). Divine Love Gifts today presented $500.00 to a family to take a much needed vacation. To God be the glory!

October 13, 2008

We can all agree that we are in the midst of hard times. Many are losing their jobs and their homes. On behalf of Divine Love Gifts, I donated what I had in my pocket ($150.00) to aid the homeless. We can all take comfort in knowing that God is still in control of all things.

May 18, 2009

There is no doubt that we are in tough economic conditions. But we can be comforted in knowing that God is still in control. Divine Love Gifts contributed $500.00 to a family in need today.

October 9, 2009

Families are struggling today even more because of the tough times that we're facing. But if we trust in the Lord, we can make it through anything! Divine Love Gifts donated $250.00 today to help feed those in need. Glory be to God.

December 15, 2009

Christmas can be a time of grief and sorrow for some people. We must remember though that the true meaning of Christmas is the celebration of Jesus' birth and a time of joy and love. In honor of this monumental moment in history, Divine Love gifts donated $300.00 to help spread the spirit of joy and love.

May 10, 2010

Once again my spirit has been moved by the plight of the hungry. It's hard to believe that with all the resources on the earth, some people still don't get enough to eat. Divine Love Gifts today contributed $300.00 to help the cause. To God be the glory.

October 23, 2010

Obligations at home can be overwhelming at times. One unexpected expense can disrupt a family's cash flow and take months to recover from if we're not prepared for them. Divine Love Gifts contributed $500.00 today to a family to ease temporary hardships.

November 1, 2010

Who is a better candidate for a Divine Love Gift than a servant of God? Recently, a good friend and fellow golfer that is also a Pastor lost his home to a fire. $250.00 was contributed to him today. My only regret is that I couldn't have done more. God is truly good all the time.

December 2, 2010

The primary goal of Divine Love Gifts is to show God's Love by blessing others. This season of celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ is the perfect time. $500.00 was donated today to a family in need to enjoy this monumental occasion. To God be the glory!

February 1, 2011

Experts say that the economy is improving, but we realists know that no matter how rosy things seem to be, there's always someone somewhere that is struggling to make ends meet. Divine Love Gifts donated $500.00 today to one of those families. Thank God for His many blessings.

April 1, 2011

When used properly, debt can be a tremendous asset that allows us to increase our buying power and take care of unexpected expenses. But when abused debt can be a burden that destroy families. Divine Love Gifts helped one of those families today with a gift of $500.00. Glory to God.

August 3, 2011

Recently, my daughter and I discussed how some of our friends are going through really tough situations. It was a reminder that no matter what we're going through, someone somewhere is doing worse. Only trust in God can deliver us. Divine Love Gifts gave $500.00 today to a family passing through one of the "valley's of life." To God be the Glory.

December 5, 2011

Once again it's the traditional time of celebrating Jesus' birth. It's a time of giving gifts and spreading love and joy. Divine Love Gifts attempts to show this spirit throughout the year and continued today by donating $400.00 to a family in need. Keep in mind that this is always done to give glory to God the Father.

April 8, 2012

Believers are not immune from the troubles of this world. God's word reminds us in Galatians 6:10 to not only to do good to all people, but to especially do good for the family of believers. In the spirit of His word, Divine Love Gifts gave $500.00 today to a disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ. Glory to God!

July 9, 2012

It seems that there must always be a balance between the "haves" and "have-nots" and that balance appears to be changing each day. That's why it's so important to look out for our brothers and sisters if and when we can. Divine Love Gifts distributed $500.00 today between several recipients.

December 19, 2012

We must constantly be aware during Christmas and many other holidays of the commercialization that we are faced with. Christmas is a celebration of Jesus' birth! In that spirit, Divine Love Gifts provided a family in need with $400.00. Showing genuine love reflects the true character of Christ. To God be the glory.

March 9, 2013

This week marks the largest gift ever made by Divine Love Gifts. Four individuals were blessed with $500.00 each and $1000.00 was presented to the distress ministry of my church, Second Baptist Church for a total of $3000.00! As always, these gifts are meant to give glory to God.

July 12, 2013

Floods, tragic accidents, injustices...it seems that there's always something going on that may question believers' faith in God. As for me, I'll continue to have faith and trust in Him because I know that He is still in control. Divine Love Gifts presented a faithful believer today with $500.00.

October 16, 2013

Once again the traditional season of giving thanks and giving gifts is upon us. We must remember that Thanksgiving is something that should be practiced daily. Also, we shouldn't wait until Christmas to give a person a gift. Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ! Divine Love Gifts gave $500.00 to a family in need today. To God be the glory.

May 31, 2014

It's been some time since a seed has been sown because of my own personal issues. God warned us in His Word that we would not be immune from trials and tribulations. But as the bible says in James 1:2, I "consider it pure joy." Today Divine Love Gifts contributed $500.00 to a family going through such trials.

November 18, 2014

The economy seems to be getting better. Unemployment is down and people are back to spending. However, there are those that are still in need of help. Divine Love Gifts today contributed $500 to one of those families.

April 5, 2015

Seeds cannot be sown without including our regular place of worship. My home church recently started a campaign to repair the roof and I was happy to be able to help. Divine Love Gifts today contributed $500 to Second Baptist Church.

September 1, 2015

We must not forget those that paved the way for our spiritual growth. Many of us were influenced by the elderly; whether it was a family member or maybe a friend of the family. Today, Divine Love Gifts presented $500.00 to a senior to help with much needed home repairs.

February 5, 2016

There are some organizations that truly strive to strengthen the community. Whether they target a group or an individual to help, it's all about generosity. Today, Divine Love Gifts presented $500.00 to one of those organizations.

July 10, 2016

No matter how well or how poor we are doing, there's always someone that's is worst shape. There will always be an ample supply of people in need. Today, Divine Love Gifts presented $500.00 to an individual in need of help.

December 2, 2016

The Christmas season is approaching and one of the worst times to lose a job. Today, Divine Love Gifts presented $500.00 to a family member that recently their job.

April 9, 2017

It's a fact that the youth of today represents the leaders of tomorrow. The values that are taught now may have a profound effect on their future. Divine Love Gifts donated $500.00 today to sponsor a youth to attend the National Baptist Deacons Convention in Atlanta, GA.

August 6, 2017

The New Testament tells us to give from the heart and our offerings should be free will offerings (2 Cor 9:5-8). There's great pleasure is knowing that you've done something to help someone. $500.00 was donated today to a person in need.

December 10, 2017

Once again, the traditional celebrating of Jesus' birth is upon us. A time to show the love of Jesus. Divine Love Gifts donated $500.00 to a family in need.

March 6, 2018

There are many elderly brothers and sisters that are in need of assistance. I treasure them because of the wisdom that they possess and pass on to the younger generation. $500 was donated today to assist one of these valued members of our society.

June 22, 2018

Along with spreading the love of GOD in all that we do, we also need to enjoy life. This includes leisure activities that bring joy. $500 was donated today to aid an individual in having a joyous vacation.

October 19, 2018

The bible says "Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done." (Proverbs 19:17 NIV) $500 was donated today to someone in need.

March 25, 2019

There are various food pantries throughout the city of Richmond. Feed More is my favorite because the donation is multiplied and serves more people in need. $500 was donated today to Feed More.

August 7, 2019

Even family members need assistance at one time or another. Two family members were given $500 each today to set up insurance for the future.

December 13, 2019

It's that time again; the time to celebrate the traditional birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. $500 was donated today to help those in need.

April 18, 2020

Many people have lost their jobs or have been furloughed because of the COVID-19 virus. My wife and I helped one of our church members today to help offset their expenses. DLG donation was $500.

August 15, 2020

I recently took a trip to a rural mountainous area of Arkansas. People are in need there just like everywhere else. DLG donated $1,000 today.

December 19, 2020

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are many that are struggling just to have food to eat. And many lives have been lost. DLG donated $500 today to aid those in need.


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